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We will keep things straightforward

Key Facts

Strategy Name The Firm Capital
Traded Instrument Dow Jones Industrial Index
Base Currency US Dollar
Minimum Investment $100,000
Performance Fee 30.00%
Management Fee None
Entry Fee None
Strategy Type Real
Locked Period None

More Questions?

Here are a few other common ones. If we haven’t answered your question, feel free to reach out to us at contact@thefirm.com. We’re here for you.

We are a technology company that provide software or application to the financial services industry. Trade ideas are generated by our proprietary artificial intelligence algorithms. However, we work closely with licensed entity who are regulated by MAS for KYC, account onboarding & funding related matters should you have any intention to trade on our preferred licensed entities.

Financial Institutions and Individuals with a High Net Worth, however, we have lately begun accepting a $10,000 minimum commitment to cater to the mass market.

First, each assignment is overseen by a senior executive who remains on the job until the transaction has been completed. Second, we blend business knowledge with corporate financial knowledge. Third, we have international capabilities equal to the world's largest banks. These elements have allowed us to complete transactions on time and typically achieve early success.

It is, indeed. To be successful, you must have a long-term investment horizon of at least 5 years. If you need the money right now, such as in six months, we recommend that you look elsewhere.

It's hard to tell. Most market recessions are brief. Markets tend to rise in the long run, therefore staying in the market rather than trying to time it is more important. In the long run, studies demonstrate that staying invested is preferable to holding cash. Especially considering the current low-interest-rate environment.

No, our fundamental stocks are global. We expect they will be able to boost pricing overtime to compensate for any currency swings.

No, The Firm Capital is not a brokerage firm, hence we do not offer brokerage services.

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